'Wounded warrior' reaches out to help other amputees - CourierPostOnline
Everything went right east of Tikrit on Nov. 15, 2004. At least that's the way 1st Lt. Ed Salau sees it, though that was the day he lost his left leg.
Semper Fi
Main Entry: gung ho Pronunciation: 'g&[ng]-'hOFunction: adjective Etymology: Gung ho!, motto (interpreted as meaning "work together") adopted by certain U.S. marines, from Chinese (Beijing) gOnghé, short for ZhOngguó GOngyè Hézuò Shè Chinese Industrial Cooperative Society: extremely or overly zealous or enthusiastic
Gung Ho!
Gung Ho!
Gung Ho!
Everything went right east of Tikrit on Nov. 15, 2004. At least that's the way 1st Lt. Ed Salau sees it, though that was the day he lost his left leg.
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