Gung Ho!

Main Entry: gung ho Pronunciation: 'g&[ng]-'hOFunction: adjective Etymology: Gung ho!, motto (interpreted as meaning "work together") adopted by certain U.S. marines, from Chinese (Beijing) gOnghé, short for ZhOngguó GOngyè Hézuò Shè Chinese Industrial Cooperative Society: extremely or overly zealous or enthusiastic

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

MULTI-NATIONAL FORCE-IRAQ-Marine dies of wounds-1/14/06

CAMP FALLUJAH , Iraq – A Marine assigned to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died of wounds received from small-arms fire while conducting combat operations against the enemy in Ar Ramadi, Jan 13.

The name of the deceased is being withheld pending notification of next of kin and release by the Department of Defense.

Semper Fi


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