Gung Ho!

Main Entry: gung ho Pronunciation: 'g&[ng]-'hOFunction: adjective Etymology: Gung ho!, motto (interpreted as meaning "work together") adopted by certain U.S. marines, from Chinese (Beijing) gOnghé, short for ZhOngguó GOngyè Hézuò Shè Chinese Industrial Cooperative Society: extremely or overly zealous or enthusiastic

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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Senior Taliban may be surrounded say Afghans

By Mirwais Afghan

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Afghan and U.S. forces surrounded an area in southwestern Afghanistan on Thursday where senior commanders of elusive Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar could be hiding, Afghan officials said.

The operation, backed by U.S. helicopter gunships, followed a big U.S.-backed offensive that killed more than 100 militants in the same region of the border between Kandahar, Uruzgan and Zabul provinces in the past three days, the officials said.

Semper Fi


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