Gung Ho!

Main Entry: gung ho Pronunciation: 'g&[ng]-'hOFunction: adjective Etymology: Gung ho!, motto (interpreted as meaning "work together") adopted by certain U.S. marines, from Chinese (Beijing) gOnghé, short for ZhOngguó GOngyè Hézuò Shè Chinese Industrial Cooperative Society: extremely or overly zealous or enthusiastic

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Monday, June 20, 2005

Iraq contractor 'killed' by insurgents

AP - Iraqi insurgents have claimed in a web posting that they killed a foreign contractor working for a US company along with six Iraqis in an ambush west of Baghdad.

The militant group Ansar al-Sunnah Army said its fighters attacked a convoy leaving a base near the town of Ramadi, killing the men and capturing two other Iraqis.

The claim could not immediately be confirmed.

Semper Fi


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